Dr. André Vincent Henry

André Vincent Henry is the Director of the Cipriani College of Labour and Cooperatives Studies since March 2017. Dr. Henry’s also provides consulting services focused on the use of the human talent in the process of economic and social development in the Caribbean, particularly through improving productivity and rigorous measurement.  His clients have included the Inter-American Development Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, the World Bank, the International Labour Organisation, the Caribbean Development Bank, the Caribbean Export Development Agency, the CARICOM Secretariat, the Governments of Guyana, Suriname, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Barbados, and Belize. He has also consulted and a number of private and public sector organisations throughout the Caribbean region as well as the workers’ movement and the non-state actor community. He was Director of the Programme for the Promotion of Management-Labour Cooperation (PROMALCO) from the start of that Project.  PROMALCO was a project of the International Labour Organisation and sought to use partnership between management and labour as the means for increasing the productivity and international competitiveness of enterprises in the Caribbean especially in the context of trade liberalisation and globalisation. Before taking up the appointment at the ILO PROMALCO, Dr. Henry was Vice President, Trade and Industry at the Tourism and Industrial Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited.  Dr. Henry has also worked at the Institute of International Relations and the Centre for Ethnic Studies at the University of the West Indies.  He has also been attached to the United Nationals Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC). He served as Special Adviser to the Minister of Labour and Special Adviser to the Minister of Public Administration in different administrations in Trinidad and Tobago. He was a member of the Diplomatic Service of Trinidad and Tobago for ten years. Dr. Henry holds a first degree in International Relations and a Masters in Government from the University of the West Indies, Mona; and a Master of Philosophy and a Doctoral degree from the George Washington University, Washington D.C. He was elected a Fellow of the World Academy of Productivity Professionals in 2010. Dr. Henry’s professional interests are concentrated on good governance and the development of just societies. At present, he is leading a research team on differentials in the labour market in sixteen Caribbean countries.

All Sessions by Dr. André Vincent Henry