Legacy Awards Nominations

Nominations can be made in the following categories
Award TitleNominations Open To
Maxine Barnett Award for ExcellenceHuman Resource Management professionals from T&T
Glenn Wilson Award for Industrial Relations ExcellenceIndustrial Relations professionals and Trade Union leaders in T&T
Gordon Draper Award for TransformationPublic sector leaders, civil servants, permanent secretaries in T&T
Lisa James Award for Learning and DevelopmentAny individual, team or firm based in T&T
Coreen Jones Award for Best Place to WorkCorporations/companies based in T&T
L. Anthony Watkins for AdvocacyAny Trinidad and Tobago individual or Non-Governmental Organisation
HRMATT Awards for Outstanding VolunteerismHRMATT financial members
HRMATT Region HR Champion Award — IndividualAll practitioners of HRM, IR, or related disciplines, working in the Caribbean and LATAM region
HRMATT Region HR Champion Award — OrganisationAny organisation providing HRM, IR or related services or an HR department within an organisation that is based in the Caribbean and LATAM region
Legacy Awards Nominations

Individual Nominee Details

Corporate Nominee Information (for Lisa James and / or Coreen Jones award only)


Award Categories

(Please read award criteria before making your nomination)

Profile of the nominee/project/ team

Nominated by

References endorsing the contributions / achievements of the nominee