Allsha Long

Membership Officer

Allsha is an astute HR professional with over 15 years of HR generalist experience within organisations across the local manufacturing, retail and ICT regulatory sectors. She is currently a senior HR Professional at Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT).  

Allsha has an International MBA from the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, specializing in International HR Management and a BSc. in Management Studies (minor in Finance) from the UWI, St. Augustine. She is SHRM-SCP certified and a member of the Society of HR Management (SHRM). 

Allsha volunteers her time and expertise in progressing people development initiatives and has been an active member of HRMATT since 2019, serving on the Public Relations and Education Committees. Allsha was appointed to the Board of Directors of HRMATT, as it’s Membership Director in October 2022. She chairs the Membership Committee, which is responsible for increasing HRMATT’s membership base, enhancing the group of individual and corporate member benefits and enhancing the overall membership experience.