HRMATT C-Suite Conversations: AI vs HI

The Human Resource Management Association of Trinidad and Tobago (HRMATT) will host the latest edition in its signature series of C-Suite Conversations, on September 11thth 2024, under the theme: Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence (AI vs HI). It takes place at the Hyatt Regency on Wednesday 11th September 2024 from 7am to 12 noon.
One of the questions regarding AI that is often asked is “Will AI replace Humans in the workplace?” We at HRMATT take the view that while AI can potentially lower the cost of cognition, human intelligence is different and more useful on a number of dimensions including the following:
- AI can process vast amounts of data but lacks the depth and breadth of human cognition.
- Humans possess emotions and empathy which significantly influences our decisions and actions in a way that AI cannot replicate. Perhaps the more significant question is “How can Human intelligence and efforts augment AI in the workplace?” We see a bright future in which humans can work alongside AI, leveraging the strength of each other to achieve more than either could alone.
At this C-Suite Conversation event, we intend to discuss ways this can be done across industries and sectors as well as to explore some of the ethical considerations that have to be made in seamlessly integrating AI with Human efforts. Being an association whose core membership consists of Human Resource Management professionals, we are also keenly interested in discussing the Human Resource Management implications of this integration at the event
Join us for the next edition of our C-Suite Conversation series which takes place on Wednesday 11th September at the Hyatt Regency.
Please click on the link below to register: